Hamilton Shirt Co. of Huston,Texas / Slow Fashion

Hamilton Shirt Co. of Huston,Texas / Slow Fashion

In an era increasingly characterized by the frequent consumption of disposable goods (e.g. much of the clothing produced today) I think there's something romantic about a durable garment that's able to transcend passing trends. So it's nice to see that certain companies are still making garments that embody these characteristics; long-lasting construction and classic, timeless styling. This shirt from Hamilton, made in Texas in 1988, is a great example of sustainable, slow fashion.

Many people are aware of the idea of a "cost-per-wear" ratio, i.e. the "total cost of the item/ estimated number of days you?ll wear it = the cost per wear" Here's an example I found 

"...if you spend $500 on a great winter coat, wear it for about 100-150 per year over the next five years, it?ll cost you about $.67 to a $1.00 every time you wear the coat. The more you wear the coat, the lower the cost per wear. On the other hand, the trendy top you bought for $20 at your local Old Navy, that you wear only three times before throwing it out, costs you around $6.50 everytime you wear it, making it almost SIX times as expensive as the coat."

Considering the cost per wear of a garment is an economical approach to getting dressed. But the act of buying clothes is a much more complex than "How can I get the best value?". When we spend money on a garment, we are supporting the perpetuation of the companies and ideology that brought that garment into being. But how often do we consider how we feel about the business practices of the companies we patronize? How often do we consider the provenance of a garment, and the ramifications of purchasing clothing manufactured in countries with questionable histories of human rights violations? Our choices shape the world we live in, even when we're doing something as seemingly trivial as buying a cool shirt to wear to the party this weekend. Perhaps buying clothes is something worth a little more consideration...

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