The Local / "Niche Offerings"

The Local / "Niche Offerings"

Hubert White received somewhat of a shout out from Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak in the Star Tribune today. In response to the news of Neiman Marcus' plans to close the doors of its Nicollet Mall store in 2013, Mayor Rybak offered this comment, "'Downtown retail needs to evolve into more niche offerings like Hubert White,' he said, referring to the locally based men's clothier further south on Nicollet Mall." Check out the rest of the article here.

Mayor Rybak rollin' on a Nice Ride
Photo via Star Tribune

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- Hubert White Gets A Shout Out In The Star Tribune
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- The Local / Chuck Simpkins
Hubert White's all-star, Chuck Simpkins, was featured in the Star Tribune yesterday. Check out the article here. ...

